Erechtheion: Western and Southern Views (Athens, Greece)


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Erechtheion: Western and Southern Views (Athens, Greece)


Erechtheion (Athens, Greece)
Acropolis (Athens, Greece)
Athens (Greece)
Attikē (Greece)
Greece--History--Athenian supremacy, 479-431 B.C.
Age of Pericles
Pericles, 495-429 B.C.
Temples, Greek--Greece
Ancient Greek religion


This photograph captures the western and southern sides of the Erectheion. Dedicated to the gods, Athena and Poseidon, and named after the legendary king of Athens, Erectheus, this temple commemorated the mythic battle for patronage of the city. According to myth, both Athena and Poseidon wanted to claim the city, so a contest was held to determine which of the two gods would be victorious. Each god had to give a gift to the people, and after careful considering, the people, themselves, would choose their own patron. Poseidon famously provided the people with a saltwater pool, while Athena gave the people what would become the basis of their commercial economy, the olive tree. Athena was chosen as the winner and the city named after her. It was supposedly on this spot where this contest took place, the tree depicted on the western side of the Erechtheion is believed by Athenians to be the descendant of the original olive tree given by their patron goddess. This temple is also famous for its porch of the Caryatids, a portico with maidens acting as the supporting columns. Although in existence since the Bronze Age, the individual buildings that originally constituted what became the Erectheion were consolidated and enlarged by the building program of Pericles. Construction on the renovated Erechteion began in 421 BCE and lasted until it was dedicated in 406 BCE. Contrary to popular belief, the Parthenon (just south of the Erectheion) was not the most important religious sanctuary in Athens; it was the Erechtheion.


Proctor, Christopher




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403 KB
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Still Image




Attikē (Greece)
Greece--History--Athenian supremacy, 479-431 B.C.